If you have been reading my blog then I am sure that you can predict that I could not do a “Notable Websites Mini Series” without including
the official website of Dave Ramsey. I typically visit Dave’s site once a day, Monday through Friday. My favorite feature on this site is
the Dave Ramsey Radio Show. You can listen live if you tune in between 2 pm and 5 pm eastern time. I however, found that I prefer to listen to the archives at my own pace, so I listen one day behind.

Dave’s site contains a wealth of information where you can visit
the online store, learn about
Financial Peace University, read
Dave’s column, and get information on where you can
see Dave live among many other things. And if you have some spare money to spend, you can join the
My Total Money Makeover online community.
The official Dave Ramsey website is a must visit for anyone on a total money makeover.
I've got it bookmarked!
I've never been there! I'll have to check it out. What is the best advice you've read?
"What's the best advice...?" Well, I guess it would have to be Dave's Baby Steps program (The Total Money Makeover) in general. You can find a brief description on his website.
how do you listen to the show a day behind? is there a way to do it without signing up for his program?
Hi Anne! No need to sign up for anything. Just click over to the radio show (I put a link in my post.) Once on the radio show page click on "Listen to the Show"; select the "Archives" tab (if it is not during show time, it will say "Listen to the Archives" in the box); select what day's show you want to listen to in the drop down box; select the format you want to listen to (Windows Media or Real Audio). When you select "Windows Media", a Launch Application box opens, just click "OK" and the show opens. I hope that helps!
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